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Dancers are required to read and accept the following pre-dancing waiver form below, before participating in any dance classes at our studio.
Health Waiver Form
1. Are you currently experiencing any flu like symptoms (fever, cough, running nose)?
2. Do you ever experience chest pains or have you experienced any chest pains recently?
3. Do you have high blood pressure or are taking medication for blood pressure/heart conditions?
4. Do you ever feel faint, dizzy, loose balance, or lose consciousness?
5. Are you 50+ and not accustomed to physical exercise?
6. Do you suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems?
7. Do you suffer from any allergies?
8. Do you suffer from Diabetes?
9. Do you suffer from Epilepsy?
10. Do you suffer from any medical conditions/illness or injuries reason why you should not participate (please let us know below)?
If any of the above questions are a YES, please provide details in the form below.
I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to inform Dancing Through Life Studios staff and teachers of any medical conditions/injuries or changes in my health, now and ongoing.
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